Basis for Comparison | INVESTING | SPECULATING |
Decision Criteria | Fundamental Analysis Quantitative Analysis Economic Analysis |
Technical Analysis Market Psychology Subjective Analysis |
Time Horizon | Long-term | Short-medium-term |
Level of Risk | Moderate | High |
Purchase Consideration | Cash | Leverage: margin |
Asset Class | Equities Bonds Unit Trust ETF |
Derivatives Futures Option Contracts for Difference (CFD) Direct Commodities Forex Crypto currencies |
Expected Rate of Return | Moderate | High |
Our philosophy draws from a multitude of investment and trading greats from whom we have learnt invaluable lessons.
We do not consider ourselves purists, but prefer to blend investment philosophies to take advantage of prevailing opportunities.
We look at value and growth prospects, combine active and passive strategies while being cautious against overtrading, use both subjective and objective analysis and favour a top-down over a bottom-up approach.
We are firm believers in Behavioural Finance and recognise the role played by investor psychology in driving asset prices.
We believe markets and investors are normal, not irrational, which creates the tendency for asset prices to deviate far from their theoretical intrinsic values.
While many traditional investors frown upon speculation, intelligent speculation has proven to be a great way to generate excess alpha in portfolios. By trading derivatives in the most liquid financial instruments, excess returns can be generated with minimal risk.